Millbank | Booking Form
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*For Secure Dog Field Bookings, please click on the button below. For Cattery and Services Bookings please click on the Online Booking button further down the page*

*For customers with XL Bullies, please message 07540664767 to discuss prior to booking*

Cattery Booking notes

  • Our drop off and collection times are strictly between 7am and 9am or 4pm and 8pm weekdays, 8am and 10am or 4pm and 6pm weekends.
  • When you click on this button you will be taken to a log in page. Here you can either register for an account that will take your contact details, and details of your pet/s, or log in with your existing log in details.
  • Once you are ready to make a booking, use the green Add Booking button at the top, left side of the screen. *Important* Please remember to select the correct service.
  • *Please note* If you need to make an amendment to an existing booking, please message Rhiannon on 07540 664767. The software does not yet support amendments to bookings made by customers.

To book the cattery online please click on the button below:

Online Booking

*If you encounter any problems with setting up your account, please complete the following form and submit it to us. If a question is not applicable to you, then please put N/A. We will then open the account on your behalf and send you the link and log in details for you to complete your profile with the statutory information that we require, and then make subsequent bookings. We recommend using a desktop computer or laptop to set your account up*

Customer and Pet Information